
# About TP-Jailbreks will go over how to make a normal school laptop running school software for Tempe union laptops and turn them into real laptops with out network blocks.

# Prerequisites The things needed for jailbreaking a laptop goes as the following. 1) A another pc running [Linux](, [macOS]( or [Windows]( 2) A drive account to upload needed files to do for later redownloading mainly documents. 3) A usb drive with **16gb+** in space anything under might work but also might not work. 4) Willing to get hands dirty with [Linux](

# Flashing the usb drive: To start out you are going to need a usb drive *16gb+* anything below that may not work. Make sure to back up all data on that usb drive because it will be removed once flashed. 1) Download the [Fedora usb flasher]( for Windwos and macOS just look up the app for download. 2) Plug in the usb drive. 3) Open the [Fedora usb flasher]( app. 4) Select Download automatically. ![Photo]( 5) Select spins then [Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop]( ![Photo]( 6) Select the newest version and intel/AMD 64bit. ![Photo]( 7) Click Download&Write then wait for it to be done. ## Dirict install If for someone the app is not working for go [here]( and download the iso from the website then flash it using [Balenaetcher](

# Booting This part will go over how to boot the [Fedora]( drive you just made. 1) Remove the usb drive from the pc you used to flash it using the [Fedora usb flasher]( ![Photo]() 2) Plug the usb drive into the laptop you wanna jailbarek. ![Photo]() 3) Spam the **F12** button if your laptop does not have **F12** then use a extrnal keyboard or boot into the bios witch so the bios pass key is **qazwsx** then change the boot order from **drive -> usb drive -> others** to **usb drive -> drive -> others** then reboot. ![Photo]() 4) Us the up arrow and hover over **Start Fedora KDE-Live 39**. ![Photo]( 5) In a little bit you will a see a screen as follows once here you are officaly jailbroken and you can use stop here and just boot off the usb drive when you ever you wanna boot into it or you can install it witch is recommand to do as the live boot is really really slow. ![Photo](

# Removing old partions This part will go over removing the old locked down partions used by [Windows]( 1) Open the app [KDE Partition Manager]( ![Opening the app]( 2) Head over the root/main drive where [Windows]( is installed to. ![Photo]( 3) Remove every partion by right clicking each partion and then clicking remove. ![Photo]( 4) If you are unable to remove a drive right click and click unmount then redo step three. 5) Once everything is removed click the apply button and wait for it to be done. ![Photo](

# Installing This part of the guice will go over installing [Fedora]( onto the system. 1) Open the only shortcut/app located on the desktop called **Install to hard drive** by double clicking it it may take a little bit to open so don't spam click. ![The photo where you can see the app icon]( 2) Edit the first screen to your needed languge and keyboard type i'll leave mine default beacuse that's what am using. ![Window]( 3) Click **Installtion Destination**. ![Photo with disk]( 4) Select the mian drive then click done. ![Main drive]( 5) Click on **User Creation**. ![UC]( 6) Enter the info you want for this exp i'll use the **Username: accountname** and the **Password accountpass**. ![AccountPage]( 7) Click done 8) Click **Begin Installation** ![BeginInstallation]( 9) Now wait for it to be done this can take a while. ![Setup screen being done]( 10) Remove the usb and reboot
# Setting up Wifi This guide will go over how to connect the jailbroken laptop online to the school network. 1) Open the app Konsole you can find it in the application menu. ![Konsole]( 2) Run the following commnd follwed by the student number eg. **stu-27100532** this command will auto reboot system to this is needed. ```bash hostnamectl set-hostname stu- && reboot ``` ![Konsole window open with command]( 3) Open wifi panel at the bottom of screen on the taskbar it should have a wifi logo. ![WifiLogo]( 4) Click on the wifi titled **TUHSD** this is the netowrk for students. ![Wifi]( 5) Click on *connect* you should then see a new menu show up. 6) Click on the tab *Wi-Fi Security* this is where your password and student id are gonna be used. ![Name]( 7) In the **Username** tab enter your student id eg. **s27100425**. 8) In the **Password** tab enter your password eg. **Student13**. ![Login]( 9) Click on apply then you should be online if your not you did something worng.